Skydiving is an exhilarating adventure that pushes the boundaries of human experience, combining the thrill of freefall with the serenity of a parachute descent. For those looking to leap into this high-adrenaline sport, Accelerated Freefall (AFF) training courses offer a structured and comprehensive pathway to skydiving with confidence. This article explores the essentials of aff training courses and how they prepare you for solo skydiving.

Understanding AFF

Accelerated Freefall (AFF) is a method of skydiving training designed to get students jumping out of airplanes and freefalling on their own as quickly and safely as possible. Unlike tandem skydiving, where a student is attached to an instructor, AFF courses involve instructors jumping alongside the student, providing hands-on guidance during freefall. This method is ideal for those who want to pursue skydiving as a sport rather than just an occasional activity.

The Structure of AFF Training

Ground School

AFF training begins with an extensive ground school that typically lasts 4-6 hours. During this time, students learn the fundamentals of skydiving, including:

  • Equipment Familiarization: Understanding the components of the parachute system, including the main and reserve canopies, the harness, and the Automatic Activation Device (AAD).
  • Freefall Body Position: Learning the correct body position to maintain stability during freefall, which is crucial for a safe and controlled descent.
  • Altitude Awareness: Understanding the importance of keeping track of altitude to ensure timely parachute deployment.
  • Emergency Procedures: Practicing various emergency scenarios, such as dealing with parachute malfunctions and how to use the reserve parachute.

Initial Jumps with Instructors

After ground school, students progress to their first jumps, known as levels 1-3 of the AFF course. These jumps are conducted with two instructors holding onto the student during freefall, providing stability and guidance. Key aspects of these initial jumps include:

  • Exit Techniques: Learning how to exit the aircraft properly to ensure a stable entry into freefall.
  • Basic Maneuvers: Practicing basic freefall maneuvers such as turns and altitude checks.
  • Parachute Deployment: Demonstrating the ability to deploy the main parachute at the correct altitude.

Solo Freefall

As students progress through the AFF levels (typically levels 4-7), they gradually gain more independence. Instructors still accompany the student but provide less physical assistance, allowing the student to demonstrate their skills. By level 7, students are expected to:

  • Perform Advanced Maneuvers: Execute more complex freefall maneuvers such as backflips and tracking (moving horizontally).
  • Show Altitude Awareness: Consistently check altitude and deploy the parachute at the correct height.
  • Handle Emergency Situations: Demonstrate proficiency in handling potential malfunctions and executing emergency procedures.

Consolidation Jumps

After completing the AFF levels, students must complete a series of consolidation jumps to build experience and confidence. These solo jumps allow the student to practice their skills and gain the necessary jump numbers to qualify for a skydiving license. During this phase, students focus on refining their freefall technique, canopy control, and landing accuracy.

The Benefits of AFF Training


AFF training courses prioritize safety above all else. With the direct supervision of experienced instructors, students receive immediate feedback and correction during their jumps. The comprehensive training in emergency procedures ensures that students are well-prepared to handle unexpected situations.

Rapid Progression

Compared to other methods, AFF allows for rapid progression in skydiving skills. Students experience freefall from the very first jump, accelerating their learning curve and building confidence quickly. This method is designed to transition students from novice to competent solo skydiver in a relatively short period.

Confidence Building

Skydiving can be an intimidating sport, but the structured approach of AFF training helps build confidence at each step. By mastering each level under the guidance of instructors, students develop a strong foundation of skills and knowledge, enabling them to skydive with confidence.

Choosing the Right AFF Course

When selecting an AFF course, it’s essential to consider the following factors:

  • Reputation of the Skydiving School: Research the school’s track record, instructor qualifications, and student reviews.
  • Instructor Experience: Ensure that the instructors are highly experienced and certified by recognized skydiving organizations.
  • Facilities and Equipment: Verify that the school uses modern equipment and has well-maintained facilities.


Skydiving with confidence is achievable through the comprehensive training provided by AFF courses. By following a structured program that emphasizes safety, skill development, and hands-on instruction, aspiring skydivers can transform their dream of flight into reality. Whether you aim to become a regular skydiver or simply want to experience the thrill of freefall, AFF training courses offer the perfect launchpad for your skydiving journey.

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